Hammer Toe
08/10/2019En el deporte, las lesiones son muy frecuentes, y para poder regresar a las actividades físicas lo antes posible, es necesario ser evaluado y diagnosticado por un profesional en el área, mejor conocido como traumatólogo deportivo.
La traumatología deportiva es una rama de la traumatología que previene, diagnostica y trata las lesiones que son provocadas durante la práctica del deporte, buscando en todo momento que el deportista se reintegre a sus actividades en un corto periodo de tiempo. Lo que hace diferente a la traumatología deportiva de la clásica, es que la deportiva se enfoca en las necesidades de los atletas mientras que la clásica trata de forma general el sistema locomotor.
Alrededor del 96% de las lesiones deportivas no requieren tratamiento quirúrgico
Algunas de las lesiones más frecuentes en deportistas son:
- Esguince de tobillo
- Desgarre muscular
- Tendinitis y tendinopatías (codo de tenis, codo de golf, roturas del tendón de Aquiles)
- Lesiones de rodilla (roturas meniscales y del ligamento cruzado anterior o posterior), lesiones del cartílago.
- Lesiones de hombro (luxación y tendinopatías), entre otras.
Algunos de los tratamientos que se realizan son:
- Electrólisis Ecoguiada: Permite trabajar con tendones, músculos o ligamentos lesionados. Algunas de las lesiones que trata son: Tendinitis de Aquiles, tendinitis rotuliana, pubalgia, entre otras.
- Plasmas rico en plaquetas: Estimula la cicatrización, regeneración y curación de los tejidos lesionados. Algunos de ellos son: Roturas de tendones, lesiones de ligamentos, lesiones musculares, entre otros.
- Ácido Hialurónico: Con este tipo de inyecciones se disminuye el dolor y mejora el funcionamiento de las articulaciones.Algunas zonas que reciben este tratamiento son: Rodillas, tobillos, caderas, entre otras.
Recuerda que hacer deporte mejora nuestra salud y si tienes alguna lesión debes atenderla para continuar con tus actividades físicas.
En Sports Medicine Systems nos comprometemos con tu salud y te acompañamos a lo largo de tu carrera como deportista. Sabemos que te apasiona la actividad física y queremos mantener tu cuerpo sano y libre de dolores.
Clínica de traumatología en Cancún
In sports, injuries are very frequent, and to be able to return to physical activities as soon as possible, it is necessary to be evaluated and diagnosed by a professional in the area, better known as sports traumatologist.
sports traumatology is a branch of traumatology that prevents, diagnoses and treats injuries that are caused during sports, always looking for The athlete will return to their activities in a short period of time. What makes sports traumatology different from the classic one, is that the sports one focuses on the needs of the athletes while the classic one treats the locomotor system in general.
Around 96% of sports injuries do not require treatment surgical
Athletes cannot spend too much time without exercising, which is why treatments seek to heal injuries, but without losing physical condition, muscle tone, among others. This allows them to return to their training or competitions in the best conditions.
Some of the most frequent injuries in athletes are:
- Sprained ankle
- Muscle tear
- Tendonitis and tendinopathies (tennis elbow, golf elbow, Achilles tendon tears)
- Knee injuries (meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament tears), cartilage lesions.
- Shoulder injuries (dislocation and tendinopathies), among others.
The sports traumatology specialist understands every situation that athletes go through and has the knowledge to address each problem in the best way and at the stage that is necessary (training, skills, etc.) in addition to improving the state of your health in general.
Some of the treatments performed are:
- Ecoguided Electrolysis: Allows working with injured tendons, muscles or ligaments. Some of the injuries he treats are: Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, pubalgia, among others.
- Platelet rich plasmas: Stimulates healing, regeneration and healing of the injured tissues. Some of them are: Tendon ruptures, ligament injuries, muscle injuries, among others.
- Hyaluronic Acid: With this type of injections the pain is reduced and the functioning of the joints improves. Some areas that receive this Treatment are: knees, ankles, hips, among others.
Remember that doing sports improves our health and if you have any injuries you must attend to continue your physical activities.
At Sports Medicine Systems we are committed to your health and accompany you throughout your career as an athlete. We know that you are passionate about physical activity and we want to keep your body healthy and free from pain.